CURSO INEM Inglés Intermedio 20h en coruña (a)

CURSO INEM Inglés Intermedio 20h en CORUÑA (A)

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Contenidos formativos del CURSO INEM Inglés Intermedio 20h

Objetivo del CURSO INEM SUBVENCIONADO Inglés Intermedio :

        Ser capaz de comprender los puntos principales de textos claros y en lengua estándar si tratan sobre cuestiones cotidianas como el trabajo, estudio u ocio.
        Saber desenvolverse en la mayoría de las situaciones que pueden surgir durante un viaje.
        Poder redactar textos sencillos y coherentes sobre temas cotidianos y en los que tenga un interés especial.
        Describir satisfactoriamente y de forma fluida experiencias, acontecimientos, deseos y aspiraciones exponiéndolos en una secuencia lineal de sucesos.
        Expresar opiniones y justificarlas brevemente o explicar planes.
        Entender el inglés hablado en temas comunes identificando tanto mensajes específicos como generales.
        Escribir textos claros, detallados y bien estructurados

Temario del CURSO INEM Inglés Intermedio:

Programa Media around the world

o Talk about entertainment media

o Talk about habits
o Express preferences o Talk about information media

o Evaluate ideas

o Make recommedations

o Describe a book or TV show Good communication

o Talk about methods of communication

o Express opinions

o Talk about using the Internet

o Speculate about the present and future

o Speculate about consequences Success

o Talk about a business idea

o Talk about hopes, dreams and ambitions

o Talk about abilities

o Talk about achievements

o Take part in an interview What happened?

o Talk about accidents and injuries

o Explain how something happened

o Talk about natural events

o Describe a dramatic experience

o Say how you feel about an experience

o A chance of plan

o Discuss plans and arrangements

o Make offers and promises

o Talk about something that went wrong

o Talk about changes of plan

o Catch up with old friends’ news

o Let me explain

o Give advice

o Talk about how you manage money

o Give detailed instructions

o Give reasons for advice Personal qualities

o Describe qualities you need for different activities

o Describe personality

o Make comparisons

o Say how a person has influenced you Lost and found

o Talk about attitudes to possessions

o Describe objects

o Talk about unexpected travel situations

o Discuss options and decide what to do

o Make decisions Make up your mind

o Describe problems in the home

o Discuss solutions

o Talk about decision-making

o Discuss the consequences of decisions

o Negotiate Impressions

o Talk about memory

o Talk about what you remember

o Talk about complaining

o Complain about goods or services

o Ask for a refund or replacement and explain why

o Make a complaint politely Truth and lies

o Relate a conversation

o Talk about truth and lies

o Summarise what people say

o Find out news about people you know Any questions?

o Give a talk about an interest or activity

o Make polite requests

o Ask polite questions

o Take questions in a talk Looking back

o Talk about mistakes

o Criticise past actions

o Suggest alternatives

o Talk about acts of kindness and bravery

o Speculate about the past In the news

o Understand news stories

o React to the news

o Tell someone about a news story

o Evaluate opinions and choose one



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